Sunday, July 22, 2007

A few of my paintings...


Alok said...

not bad, not bad at all. looks like you certainly a decent painter and then some. Keep going yaar, good stuff all of em. and just out of alok-intrest,do u do nudes? (insert evil devil smiley here)

Nisha said...

kya baat hai..writer, painter, tech student(right?!) ...all in one! like the second one the best

Impressionist said...

i loved the third! :)
good job!

peace & love

Anonymous said...

u r quite an many talents..:)

Sneha P said...

@alok: yeah...sketch 2-3 once...they capture my fascination as well...but unfortunately i find i'm better at landscapes..

@nisha: ya...u got tech student rite...and thanks...the secon one is my fav as well...only i've taken the snaps from my phone so picture quality is not good...

@rajeev:thanks a lot...that was one of my first few paintings so is quite dear to me as well

@dc: thanks so much...well i feel i'm as the old saying goes.."jack of all trades and master of none"...that actually saddens me at times...

annie said...

i loved the ganesha painting!

dharmabum said...

wow! thats a gift for sure. beautiful stuff.

Sneha P said...

@sharma: thanks..

Rachna Singh said...

keep the good work going

Anonymous said...

nice work...number 2 is my fave too