Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Need To Know!!

A person without thoughts is not a possibility. The thoughts may be redundant, silly, stimulating, destructive..anything but, thoughts they are!
We think about multifarious things in a day. Thoughts triggered by different events, with a varied essence and of varying magnitudes.
According to me Maslow's Pyramid of needs helps in answering a lot of questions which are physiological and psychological in nature. It can help each of us identify the pattern of our thoughts.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs consists of five levels: the four lower levels are grouped together as being associated with Physiological needs, while the top level is termed growth needs associated with psychological needs. Deficiency needs must be met first. Once these are met, seeking to satisfy growth needs drives personal growth. The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are satisfied. If a lower set of needs is no longer being met, the individual will temporarily re-prioritize those needs by focusing attention on the unfulfilled needs, but will not permanently regress to the lower level.

So when we actually reach the stage of self-actualization we are apparently materially and emotionally satisfied individuals.

After a lot of analysis I figured I think I'm in the "Need to Know and Understand" segment.

So where do you figure you stand in the hierarchy of needs?


Anonymous said...

wow, whadda good analysis. I belong to the personal growth wala category. Got to change lot fo stuff abt me as a person and lot to embrace to recover from the messy persona i have become off late, thanks to the blog mess and the of course the bigger one :)

Keshi said...

I think Im still at the Physiological Needs stage!


Lucifer said...

u kno being a pyscho student i can say that all of us keep comin to d lower needs till d time we actually reach d self actualization phase...thats whr d needs lose their importance all together...its jus a different pedestral now

Mez said...

Doono abt myself but just few days back i was readin abt Maslow's theory in Business Studies cbse book. Lol

Very imp. questn frm exam point of view ;)

Sneha P said...

we all have to go through iterations of this structure coz we constantly change as people..

i doubt many of us have reached the self actualization.

yea i agree its an iterative process...
thanks for dropping by...
hope to c u again.

well yea..for eco, psycho and socio studies...its important from too many points of views..
cool theory na!!

Anonymous said...

sneha, lets ask mezie some questions on this theory , what say ? exam lena he madam ki ?

Pallav said...

woah. I studied all these theories in my journalism course.

It's all mindfuck, have a banana and chill.

Don't think. Just Chill.


Sneha P said...

i'm good...but student ready hai kya?? ;)

fellow simian...
i just thot it was interesting re...

Keshi said...

well I think if I reach that state, I'd hv to be dead. LOL!


bharat chandran said...

Interesting post! It was worth knowing there existed a pyramid of needs! May be I would need to learn, know, understand! May be I belong there.

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

an Ayn Rand is a must read fo u...if u havnt already read it dat is!

Solitaire said...

FYI, very few people reach the "self-actualization" stage.

ceedy said...

interesting but somehow if i was able to structure my thought pattern then i will cease to exist.....

for me thriving in randomness and oscillating periodically is the key to personal growth

Sneha P said...

yea..same here..
not too many really reach that state ever!!

@bharat chandran:
its worth trying to figure out where u stand!

i absolutely love ayn rand!!!
i've read all her works of fiction..theres 5 of them right?
currently i'm trying to get through her set of works of epistemology..
but why the sudden ayn rand comment if i may ask?

I know and agree with that...but it doesnt hurt to try walking towards it na?

@c e e d y:
random is essentially how my life is anyways...
i think i liked assessing where i am..
but each to his own i guess..

D said...

That's so tough to say. I think I'm still somewhere on the base block...

Unknown said...

i was being taught maslowtheory by ma teacher at ma uni.. but he didt made it clear to meee at dt tym. today a patient came to ma clinc n he said somthing about maslow theory , i was astonished that i must knw abt it , so i vists at google, n yah after studying maslow theory , i can safely say that i m in esteem needs and i ll try to embARK SELF ACTUALIZATION STAGE B4 I TURN 30 ..