Friday, March 08, 2013

The Natural Order of Things

At one point in time, writing came naturally to me. Writer's Block was somewhat of a matter to laugh about. It was the era when I used to blog like people change Facebook status' these days. I used to specifically make note of things so that I could furnish proper details in my account. I think it also helped make me more observant and more interested in everything.

I think the art of writing is as easily lost as... sugar crystals in water - 

for a little while they survive, 
while yet left untouched in still waters, 
in the whirl of things otherwise,
they get lost in plain sight

Now, it is a labourious task to pen down a few thoughts and more often than not, I end up with an unpublished draft instead of a post. 

When I had begun blogging, there were several people in the blogsphere who read by blogs and I theirs. There was a fairly large web of individuals writing fairly often - of their life, of their happiness, of their angst, of their thoughts and some concocted realities or absurdities. 

My stream of posts has declined drastically over the years from 54 in 2007, when I began to 3 in the last year i.e. 2012. I wondered if my fellow bloggers were afflicted by the same phenomenon. And so I went on a trip, down the alleys of places that were once familiar, their texture, tone and sentence construction reminding me of lives and thoughts that I once knew about. Here's a statistic only 3 of the 16 blogs that I visited were posting with any regularity any more. And even the ones who did post, the number of post per year was steadily dwindling.

It then struck me, I'd just encountered the Natural Order of Things.

Reflect, this happens with most things throughout our lives. Our enthusiasm wanes, games reduce, our novelty with our partner reduces and the list could go on. Without delving into specifics, I ask you to introspect and try, if you can find some aspect of our lives, that does not follow this natural order.


Nisha said...

Hey! I remember you from my early blogging days. And I'm still writing! My love for it has increased.. So has the love for my spouse. That is the natural order for me :)

Sneha P said...

I'm actually glad for you. You're one of the exceptions in the rule :)